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Axis 2: Ethical standards

Partners Charter and employee commitment

In 2023, Casalonga’s partners adopted a charter setting out our values, our CSR commitments (travel, environmental and social responsibilities) and, above all, our ethical commitments.

  • - Compliance with professional ethics (Patent and Trademark Attorneys/Attorneys-at-law)
  • - Prevention of conflicts of interest, agreements and unfair practices
  • - Secret - Confidentiality - Discretion
  • Choice of partners and clients
  • Elements of this charter, notably on secret, confidentiality and discretion, are included in all Casalonga employee contracts.

Data protection

As an intellectual property professional, Casalonga pays particular attention to the security of its clients’ data. Casalonga has built a network architecture to limit and secure access to its clients data and has implemented strict measures to secure its information system and data against unauthorized access or disclosure. These measures can be consulted in the PSSI (Information Security Management System) booklet, and are subject to regular review by the COPILSEC (Data Security Steering Committee) and to a continuous improvement program.