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Aude Thrierr

French Trademark and Design Attorney

European Trademark and Community Design Attorney

French and European Trademark and Design Attorney since 2007, Aude’s practice focuses on defining IP protection strategies, and managing and defending trademark, design and domain name portfolios for French and international companies.

Aude started her career in 1999 and has worked for several IP firms, before joining CASALONGA in September 2018.

Professional organizations

Aude is a member of the French Patent and Trademark association (CNCPI “Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle”) and of the French Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners (APRAM).


  • - Post-graduate degree in Industrial Property law in Trademarks and Industrial Designs at CEIPI (Strasbourg University) – 2002
  • - Master of Business Law (Cergy-Pontoise University) – 1998


French, English

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