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Pascaline Vincent

Associée / Toulouse - Paris

Avocate au Barreau de Toulouse

Mandataire agréée auprès de l’EUIPO

Assistante : Christine Thomas

Appreciated for her dynamism and her practical yet rigorous approach to cases, Pascaline manages to find solutions in even the most complex cases, keeping risks under control and always with client satisfaction at heart. She is recognized for her excellent practical skills in the IT field.

Pascaline has more than 15 years of experience in intellectual property, contracts and innovation. Attorney-at-law since 2008, Pascaline Vincent joined CASALONGA in 2011 and became a partner in 2023.

She advises French and international companies in all areas of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, designs, copyright), both in counseling and litigation. Pascaline assists clients in developing their global creation and innovation strategies, in drafting and negotiating diverse contracts and in enforcing their rights before the offices and courts. She has also developed in-depth expertise in standard essential patent litigation and UPC rules.

Her renowned training in business law and significant experience allow her to handle a wide range of issues linked to intellectual property, such as commercial law and unfair competition, innovation valuation, intellectual property tax law, as well as all IT issues (NICT, IT and software, databases, Internet, GDRP, etc.), on which she provides training to clients. She has also acquired a recognized experience in the valuation of IP assets and in portfolios and contracts audits.

Since 2019, Pascaline has been based in our Toulouse office, which she develops, in coordination with the Paris team.

Professional organizations

Pascaline is a member of the Licensing Executives Society France (LES France).

Latest publications

  • - March 2019 : Commentary on the CJEU decision Huawei v. ZTE du 16 July 2015 (“on the conditions under which the proprietor of a standard-essential patent (SEP) with a dominant position can bring an action for a prohitbitory injunction against an alleged infringer”) with Caroline Casalonga – published in the European Court Reports CAPIP
  • - Co-author and author of some other articles on IT and IP issues (data protection, protection of the perfume under French law, cooperation between France and Google).

Latest interventions

  • - Februay 2024 : Presentation on “Intellectual property in software development for fund-raising – copyright and patents : points to watch out for !” with Ghislain de Trémiolles – Webinar organized by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (APP) (replay under this link)
  • - October 2023 : Presentation at the round table “Influence of the European/international environment : harmonization processes/creation of unitary rights” - “30 years of influence in industrial property law” conference organized by the French Association of Industrial Property Attorneys (AAPI)
  • - June-July 2023 : Jury member for the 1st edition of the essay competition organized by BLIP !


  • - Paris Bar examination – 2008
  • - Master in Business law (DJCE - DESS) (University of Toulouse I) – 2004
  • - Certificate of Specialized Studies in Intellectual Property and Information Technology (DJCE) – 2004


French, English

Latest awards

  • - Best Lawyers : best lawyer in France in IP and IT in 2025.