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Ghislain de Trémiolles

Partner / Paris

French Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

European Patent Litigator


Personal assistant : Isabelle Alibouche

Attentive to his clients’ needs, Ghislain optimizes the protection of breakthrough solutions in emerging technologies. Committed to providing them with personalized advice, he develops innovative strategies adapted to the circumstances, in order to respond to their specific issues and anticipate their future needs.

Ghislain has been working for over 25 years in the fields of emerging technologies (IT, telecoms, Artificial Intelligence (AI), image processing, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.) and electronics.

His technical skills and experience enable him to understand all the issues faced by his clients, from French and foreign SMEs to multinationals, in order to support them in their industrial property policy and help them make the most appropriate decisions.

Ghislain has been a European Patent Attorney since 2005, and a French Patent Attorney since 2009. He is involved in the acquisition of IP rights, in particular in the drafting of patent applications and grant procedures, in France and in Europe, notably in the UK, and abroad, and represents his clients before the Offices.

He has also developed extensive skills defending IP rights, in opposition proceedings before patent Offices, and in managing patent, copyright (software), and unfair competition litigation, working in tandem with attorneys-at-law, in disputes before national courts. He has also acted as an expert in numerous infringement seizures.

His practice also includes the drafting and negotiation of intellectual property agreements, including licensing and assignment agreements, as well as technology transfer and consortium agreements. His knowledge of the telecom sector and his experience in the industrial world are an asset when it comes to setting up large-scale projects and managing essential patents.

He has also acquired solid expertise in intellectual property audits and analysis of software rights and licenses (especially open source).

Ghislain began his career in industry, at IBM, as an R&D engineer, where he prepared his doctoral thesis on the use of artificial neural networks in industrial environments. The author of numerous inventions, he joined the company’s French intellectual property department, where he developed his skills in patents, trademarks, copyright, and contracts.

He then spent 18 years working in a major French IP law firm, becoming a partner in 2012, before joining CASALONGA as a partner in 2024.

Professional organizations

Ghislain is a member of the French Patent and Trademark association (CNCPI “Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle”), of the European Patent Institute (epi), of the Licensing Executives Society France (LES France), of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) and of the French Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AFPPI). He is notably on the Board of the AFPPI, where he serves as secretary.

Latest publications

  • - 2023: “Protection et exploitation des interfaces graphiques”, update of the fascicle with Boriana Guimberteau – published in JurisClasseur, Fasc. 4225, LexisNexis. For more information, see under this link
  • - Juin 2021: “5G standard-essential patents: new challenges” with Eric Augarde et Samuel Deschamps – published in Décideur Magazine
  • - 2017: “Protection of graphical user interfaces in France” – published in IAM, Yearbook 2017

Latest interventions

  • - Februay 2024: Presentation on “Intellectual property in software development for fund-raising – copyright and patents: points to watch out for!” with Pascaline Vincent – Webinar organized by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes (APP) (replay under this link)
  • - January 2024: Intervention on “IP et AI, between protection and sharing of resources” with Marianne Gabriel – AFPPI Conference
  • - January 2024: “Patents, Open Source, and the Digital Commons: usinging these tools for protection and dissemination” – Conference on “Intellectual Property in AI" organized by Bpifrance, CNCPI and the Secrétariat Général pour l’Investissement


  • - Master’s degree in Law Economics Management at CEIPI, field Intellectual Property Law, specialization Industrial Property (Strasbourg University) – 2016
  • - University Diploma on Patent Litigation in Europe at CEIPI (Strasbourg University) – 2012
  • - Postgraduate degree in Industrial Property law in Trademarks and Industrial Designs at CEIPI (Strasbourg University) – 2002
  • - Postgraduate degree in Industrial Property law in Patents at CEIPI (Strasbourg University) – 2001
  • - Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Automatics and Signal Processing of the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) – 1998


French, English

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