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Floriane Codevelle

Partner / Paris

Attorney-at-law (Paris Bar)

European Trademark and Community Design Attorney

UPC Representative

Personal assistant : Bernadette d’Ambrosi

Always attentiveness, available and creative, Floriane knows how to find original strategies to advise our clients in order to achieve the best results, whatever the option chosen (secure/risky). She likes pleading and negotiating....

Floriane Codevelle has been a member of the Paris Bar for more than 15 years and has extensive expertise in counseling and litigation in the fields of patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, unfair competition, advertising and image rights.

She also assists her clients in setting up and defending their distribution or franchise network and in negotiating or reviewing commercial contracts. She participates in trademark and patent portfolio audits.

Floriane joined CASALONGA in 2009 and became a partner in 2017.

She assists both French SMEs and large international companies, in various sectors of activity (mass retail, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, aeronautics, banking, spa and hotel establishment, fashion, brewery, publishers, printing, etc.).

Floriane has kept her taste for pleading from her first experience in a law firm specialized in criminal law, where she pleaded before the Assize Court. She regularly assists her clients before all courts, the CNIS (National Commission for Employee Inventions), the CMAP (Paris Mediation and Arbitration Centre), etc.

She has recently been involved in major pharmaceutical patent cases and trademark litigation, pleading before the European Union Court.

She is in charge of the Distribution & Competition Law department.

Professional organizations

Floriane is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the French Association of Competition Study (AFEC) and the Stanislas de Boufflers Institute.

Latest publications

  • - July 2024 : “Connectors and Protection under Copyright and Design Laws: When the Connection Fails” with Juliette Dionisi published on the Dalloz IP/IT. For more information, see under this link
  • - July 2024 : “Refusal of the registration of the European Union trademark ‘PABLO ESCOBAR’ for contrariety to public policy and acceptable principles of morality” with Elsa Trombitas – published on Lexbase. For more information, see under this link
  • - March 2024: Contribution to the 2nd edition (2024) of the comparative guide “Fashion Law”, redaction of the France chapter with Karina Dimidjian-Lecomte – in digital format on this link
  • - September 2023: “A further reminder of the strict legal framework for assessing damages in counterfeiting cases” with Chloé Chircop – published on the Dalloz IP/IT. For more information, see under this link
  • - July 2023: “Copyright: the difficult task of proving the originality of a historical work” with Chloé Chircop – published on the blog Blip!
  • - March-April 2023: Contribution to the 10th Annual Review of European Trademark Law of the Trademark Reporter (INTA TMR 2022), highlighting important 2022 French trademark law decisions with Karina Dimidjian-Lecomte – published on this link.
  • - March 2023: “Fake Vogue cover, real legal trouble” – published on the JDN website
  • - February 2023: “Louboutin /Amazon: red soles and a red card for Amazon” with Chloé Chircop – published on the RLDI. For more information, see under this link
  • - November 2022: “Louboutin/Amazon: trademark use and direct liability of Internet intermediaries” with Chloé Chircop – published on the RLDI. For more information, see under this link
  • - September 2022: “NFTs for copyright owners: creation, securing and speculation” with Chloé Chircop – published on the BRDA. For more information, see under this link
  • - June 2022: “Is the use of others’ trademarks to promote NFTs a reprehensible practice?” with Chloé Chircop – published on the RLDI. For more information, see under this link
  • - March-April 2022: Contribution to the 9th Annual Review of European Trademark Law (INTA TMR 2021), highlighting important 2021 French trademark law decisions with Karina Dimidjian-Lecomte – published on this link
  • - October 2021: “Audiovisual advertising regulations: crossfire between Carrefour and Lidl” with Chloé Chircop – published on the website LSA

Latest interventions

  • - October 2023: Training "Intellectual property and know-how: protection, valuation, action" given with Chloé Chircop
  • - March 2023: Training "Intellectual Property and counterfeiting" given with Chloé Chircop
  • - March 2023: Training "Contract law, distribution law and the Evin law" given with Juliette Morin-Nouvion to the teams of the Champagne Beaumont des Crayères cooperative


  • - Paris Bar examination – 2003
  • - Master (DEA) in Intellectual Property (University of Paris II) – 2002
  • - Master (DESS) in Private Law (University of Paris I) – 2001
  • - Master in Law (University of Paris II) and McGill (Montreal-Canada) – 2000


French, English

Latest awards

  • - Best Lawyers: best lawyer in France in 2025.