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Caroline Casalonga

Associée / Paris et Munich

Managing Partner

Avocate au Barreau de Paris

Mandataire agréée auprès de l’EUIPO

Représentante devant la JUB

Assistante : Christine Thomas

Caroline is Managing Partner of CASALONGA IP Law Firm. She is specialized in patents, trademarks and other IP rights litigations. She has 30 years of experience in all intellectual property fields, from counseling to litigation.

She commenced her career with the famous French IP litigator Paul Mathely, and then joined Pennie & Edmonds in New York City, prior to practicing with CASALONGA & ASSOCIES, as a French and European Trademark Attorney.

In 2005, Caroline founded CASALONGA AVOCATS.

She advises large French and International companies on protecting and defending their intellectual property rights in different sectors including electronics, pharmaceutical goods, and consumer products. She has a strong expertise in the wine and GIs sector.

She represents our clients before the French Courts and the Court of Justice on all types of IP matters, including patents, trademarks, designs and copyright infringement, cancellation, unfair competition and distribution network actions.

She is recognized as one of the French leaders in Intellectual Property and is cited by the European Legal Experts Magazine, WTR 1000 and the Legal 500.

She regularly speaks at national and international conferences. She is a member of the ECTA anti-counterfeiting committee, AIDV, INTA, LES and the AIPPI.

Professional organizations

Very active in professional organizations, Caroline is a member of the Geographical Indications Committee of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA).

She is also a member of numerous other professional organizations such as the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group (PTMG), the French Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners (APRAM), the International Trademark Association (INTA), the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC), the Licensing Executives Society France (LES France), IPSKI, the organization Coalition Against Piracy Intellectual Property (CAPIP) and the International Wine Law Association (AIDV).

Latest publications

  • - October 2023 : Transcription by Interfimo of her interview on the interprofessionality. Read the article "The choice of the SPE to seal the special relationship between lawyers and patent and trademark attorneys" under this link
  • - October 2022 : “France cannot be France without the name” with Juliette Dionisi – published on the RLDI. For more information, see under this link
  • - September 2022 : Transcription by Village de la justice of her interview on the digital platform developed by CASALONGA for its clients. Read the article "An innovative IP platform at the service of company, for the Adeo Service legal department" under this link
  • - March 2019 : Commentary on the CJEU decision Huawei v. ZTE du 16 July 2015 (“on the conditions under which the proprietor of a standard-essential patent (SEP) with a dominant position can bring an action for a prohitbitory injunction against an alleged infringer”) with Pascaline Vincent – published in the European Court Reports CAPIP

Latest interventions

  • - January 2024 : Conference on current developments in Wine Lawx organized in partnership with the Wine & Law Program (Jean Monnet Chair) of the University of Reims, given with Juliette Morin-Nouvion and Claire Labrador
  • - May 2023 : Interview on “Intellectual Property : which protection and why protect yourself” – Les Rendez-Vous de l’Intelligence Economique proposed by Effisyn S.D.S. Find the interview under this link
  • - January 2023 : Training "How to protect and defend your beer" given with Juliette Morin-Nouvion to the members of the Brasseurs de France association
  • - March 2021 : Trainging "How to protect and defend French wines and spirits abroad against growing counterfeiting" given with Juliette Morin-Nouvion within a webinar on e-commerce and counterfeiting organized by the Institut Georges Chappaz and the Wine & Law Program

Active participation to the AIPPI Working Committee on question 208 on border measures and other measures of customs intervention against infringers.


  • - Award in Wines - Level 2, Wine & Spirit Education Trust WSET, pass with Merit – 2022
  • - ESSEC - MBA (MG56) – 2013-2014
  • - LL.M. Cornell University – 1996
  • - Paris Bar examination – 1993
  • - Master (DEA) in Intellectual Property (University of Paris II) – 1992
  • - Master in Law (University of Paris II) – 1991


French, English, German

Latest awards

  • - Best Lawyers : best lawyer in France in 2025.