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Marianne Gabriel

Partner / Paris

Attorney-at-law (Paris Bar)

European Trademark and Community Design Attorney

UPC Representative

Personal assistant : Bernadette d’Ambrosi

Marianne Gabriel has more than 20 years of experience as a French lawyer specialized in patents, trademarks, designs and other IP rights litigation. She became partner of CASALONGA in 2010.

She advises major French and foreign companies for protecting and defending their Intellectual Property rights (patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, domain names, internet and unfair competition) and regularly pleads before the courts.

She is recognized for coordinating and managing complex national and international IP litigation and cases, notably in the pharmaceutical, chemical, mechanical and telecommunications fields and has acquired recognized expertise regarding Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) and SEP/FRAND.

She has a strong experience in the definition and the coordination of IP strategies, including the implementation of strategic choices and orientations, during asset transfers (audits, due diligence, acquisitions, mergers, etc.), during the drafting and negotiation of contracts (assignments, licenses, transfers of know-how, partnerships, confidentiality agreements, research and development agreements, etc.) and for the purposes of dispute resolution.

Adjunct teaching / Professional organizations

Marianne Gabriel teaches drug law in the framework of the Master 2 Industrial Property and Health Innovations at the University of Paris VIII and regularly speaks at conferences in the field of intellectual property.

She actively participates in many professional associations: French Association of Trademark and Design Law Practitioners (APRAM), Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG), European Patent Lawyers Association (EPLAW), French Association of Industrial Property Attorneys (AAPI), Association of European Patent Practitioners (APEB), International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), French Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AFPPI), Licensing Executives Society France (LES France), Stanislas de Boufflers Institute. She is notably on the Board of the French Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AFPPI) and is in charge of the association’s communication.

Latest publications

  • - April 2024 : “When the Court of Justice of the European Union reminds us of the need for a balanced regime!” – published in the Industrial Property Review. For more information, see under this link
  • - May 2022: "Lis pendens and connexity before the UPC" with Axel Casalonga – published in the Industrial Property Review. For more information, see under this link
  • - December 2021: "Pitfalls to avoid in a trademark revocation action" – published in the Industrial Property Review. For more information, see under this link
  • - October 2020: "Les CCP, une protection convoitée sous le contrôle de la CJUE" with Jean-Baptiste Lecoeur – published in the Santé, Pharmacie & Biotechnologies 2020 guide of Décideurs magazine. For more information, see under this link
  • - April 2020: "The fight against Covid-19 and the Off-label prescription of known specialties" – published on LinkedIn
  • - March 2020: "Your contracts towards the Covid-19 epidemic" with Pascaline Vincent – published on LinkedIn
  • - March 2019: "The current status of supplementary protection certificates, interpretation of Articles 3 a) and 3 c) of Regulation No 469/2009 in 2018, progress?" – published in the Industrial Property Review
  • - February 2017: "Patentability in France" – published on Lexology
  • - February 2017: "Patent Enforcement through the Courts in France" – published on Lexology
  • - April 2016: "Focus on the innovations of the civil law reform" – published in the Industrial Property Review

Latest interventions

  • - January 2024: Intervention on “IP et AI, between protection and sharing of resources” with Ghislain de Trémiolles – AFPPI Conference
  • - March 2023: Presentation of the recent French Supreme Court decisions on SPCs – 3rd edition of the conference on “Patent law in France and Europe” organized by the Institut Stanislas de Boufflers
  • - August 2022: Interview on the Pfizer / Moderna trial – TV News on France 2 (26 August 2022)
  • - November 2020: "Patents Seminars of Boufflers" – Institut Stanislas de Boufflers
  • - April 2019: "Trademark law in France and Europe" – Senate – Institut Stanislas de Boufflers
  • - October 2018: "News on patent law in France and Europe" – Institut Stanislas de Boufflers


  • - Paris Bar examination – 2002
  • - Master in law (Paris University Pantheon Sorbonne)


French, English

Latest awards

  • - Best Lawyers: best lawyer in France in 2025.

Publications and presentations