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Design patents and copyright

We offer a full range of design patent portfolio management services, from filing to registration and renewal.

Our office in Alicante near the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), allows us to be permanently informed of any change in the law and jurisprudence of the Boards of Appeal.

Regarding Registered Community Designs (RCD) :

  • - we file directly with the EUIPO thanks to our presence since 1996 in Alicante
  • - we are in direct contact with many members of the EUIPO
  • - we discuss cancellation procedures on-site at the EUIPO
  • - the administrative infrastructure of our Alicante office facilitates our daily direct interaction with the EUIPO

To facilitate providing proof of creation, we assist our clients with :

  • - the on line filing of works on the Artema register
  • - obtaining certified bailiff reports
  • - on-site client audits to organize internal documentation and procedures for obtaining and preserving proof of creation.

Design searches

We conduct searches on designs published in France and by the EUIPO.

These search results include a thorough analysis of any designs identified.