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Our CSR strategy

Casalonga supports its employees and clients in respecting its corporate social and environmental responsibility policy.

This policy constitutes an essential part of our values. We apply it on a daily basis, from respect for diversity, with strict gender equality, to small daily gestures, such as turning off the heating and air conditioning during mild seasons and recycling waste. We are committed to providing the necessary resources. We are delighted to have been awarded the 2023 EcoVadis* bronze medal with a score of 61/100 in the “Social and Human Rights” category. Our challenge is to continue this commitment and advance on these goals for our employees, our clients and the planet.

* EcoVadis is a global platform for assessing and sharing CSR performance.

Our CSR strategy is structured around 3 main axes:
Axis 1: Social policy and human rights
Axis 2: Ethical standards
Axis 3: Environmental awareness